WEBINAIRE IRAMAT/ARSCAN lundi 11 mars : Towards open data sharing in archaeometallurgy of iron. The CHIPS database and ongoing projects

WEBINAIRE IRAMAT/ARSCAN lundi 11 mars : Towards open data sharing in archaeometallurgy of iron. The CHIPS database and ongoing projects

  • 13h20 : Introduction
  • 13h30 : Philippe Dillmann, Alexandre Disser, The use of chemical data in
    archaeometallurgical studies on iron. Principles, recent results and prospects

  • 14h00 : Alexandre Disser, Philippe Dillmann, Enrique Vega, Physico-chemical
    characterization of ironmaking-linked archaeomaterials: a review of analytical
    methodologies and possible database inputs

  • 14h30 : Sylvain Bauvais, Alexandre Disser, The CHIPS database: from datasheet to
    Relational database management system

  • 15h00 : Gaspard Pagès, Alexandre Disser, Laurent Costa, Integration of chemical data in a
    transdisciplinary webmapping application

  • 15h30 : Guillaume Huitorel, Luc Leconte, Agricultural tools from rural settlements in Ile-deFrance. Presentation of the corpus and contexts, and potential insights from chemical data
  • 16h00 : Alexandre Disser, Some practical aspects about a would-be CHIPS-based
    application: hosting, data and community management, etc
    followed by a time for free

  • Link to the meeting:
    Meeting ID: 943 4654 6190
    Password: 1PUUAd