Linked Open Data for Celtic coinages. Developing an online portal Online Celtic Coinage (OCC)

Projet Procope+ franco-allemand entre l’IRAMAT et la Goethe University Frankfurt, 2024-2025.

Financement : Ambassade de France en Allemagne et DAAD-Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

Coordinateurs : S. Nieto-Pelletier (IRAMAT, UMR 7065 CNRS-univ. Orléans), K. Tolle & D. Wigg-Wolf (Goethe University Frankfurt, Big Data Lab).

Fully in line with the web of data and archaeological heritage sciences, the long-term objective of the project is the development of an internet portal for Celtic coins, Online Celtic Coinage, analog to Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE) ( which will be consulted and used by all communities, from scientific community (universities, research organizations, museums, archaeological institutions…) to the general public. The first objective of the project is to organize an in-person workshop in Orleans with the Celtic coinages specialists to set up the framework for the necessary international cooperation and the data model.

Following a preliminary online meeting in October 2024, and preparatory work on an online document, an in-person meeting is planned for the winter that will define:

1. The membership of the working group and the roles of the individual participants.

2. A flexible reference data model for the OCC portal and the core-controlled vocabulary.

3. The creation of a consortium to pursue an application for bi-national or European funding for a project to extend the portal.