IRAMAT (UMR 5060) was officially created on January 18, 2000 from January 1, 1999. It has the originality of being the grouping of three multidisciplinary and perfectly complementary teams covering the topic of archaeomaterials In terms of activities of research, staff and resources, the Institute for Research on Archeomaterials is thus the largest unit dedicated mainly to archaeometry. It works nationally and internationally from specific programs for the entire community of archaeologists and historians.
Since its creation, IRAMAT has been developing, adapting and fine-tuning protocols for the analysis and dating of archaeological materials, taking into account the most recent and efficient advances in chemistry and physics.

The complementary skills of the teams from the three laboratories (Belfort and Orléans) and the equipment owned or to which the teams have access (the CEMHTI particle accelerators for the CEB for example) make it possible to tackle various themes in the fields of History , History of Art, History of Sciences and Techniques or of Economy. These activities are organized around four main axes:
1- Chronology: human settlements, cultures, environment
2- Economic and monetary history
3- From source to object: resources, dissemination, technique, alteration, conservation
4- Medieval architecture: history, art, materials

These axes are broken down within each Center into different themes and sub-themes which mainly cover the field of archaeometry of inorganic materials (metals, glasses, ceramics, lithic materials, pigments, etc.) on issues of origin and circulation. and operating chain of production.

